The Facts You Need About Anterior Hip Replacement
Traditional hip replacement surgery is invasive and can require a great deal of physical therapy afterward. Anterior hip replacement, however, is less invasive and thus generally the better option.
Traditional hip replacement surgery is invasive and can require a great deal of physical therapy afterward. Anterior hip replacement, however, is less invasive and thus generally the better option.
When a person's mobility is reduced because of pain, replacement surgery may be the answer. The surgery method can be either posterior or anterior approach hip replacement. We will discuss the latter.
Traditional hip replacement surgery can be somewhat invasive, with a long recovery time and a chance of complications. An alternative is known as anterior hip replacement surgery.
One use of arthroscopy is as a diagnostic tool. Further specialists, such as a knee or hip surgeon, may need to be consulted depending on the results.
An orthopedic surgeon can help patients make informed decisions regarding whether a knee or hip replacement surgery is suitable for them.
If hip pain detracts from the joy in your life, then hip replacement surgery might be just what the doctor ordered.
Although joint surgeries, such as hip surgery, can significantly improve mobility and quality of life, one should not take the surgery and recovery time lightly. So, when is the right time to see a hip surgeon?
Many seniors fear falling and breaking a hip, but one of the biggest health concerns is heart health. Here are some health tips that will improve your heart health.
A poorly maintained body will eventually break, regardless of the person's age. Orthopedic therapy can help the body stay fit and mobile.
When setting up a home office or work area, pay special attention to ergonomics. Avoiding problems is much easier than dealing with orthopedic therapy or even surgery later.