How is too old for hip replacement surgery or a total hip replacement? Is there an age when orthopedic surgeons won’t recommend this surgery for their patients? In this video, Dr. Dan Albright from the Raleigh Orthopedic Clinic discusses age limitations on receiving total hip replacement surgery.
Summary of video:
The quick answer is there are no set age limits. It's all about physiology. The decision is based on the condition of the patient’s overall health and fitness. If the patient is 95-year-olds and out mowing the lawn or going for walks in the park, they are probably a good candidate for hip surgery. But if the patient is 65-years-old, bedridden and quite ill, hip replacement is probably not going to be recommended.
The orthopedic surgeon will consult with a patient’s internist or cardiologist to verify the patient will be able to withstand and recover from the surgery. The general fitness of the patient will determine if they can go through the physical therapy that is necessary for a good result from the operation. The soundness of the patient’s mind will be considered when deciding on surgery so that the patient can participate in their recovery.
Each situation is different. There are no rigid criteria. If the patient is reasonably active and healthy - there's no age limit. This fact is the beauty of hip replacement surgery. People of all ages can get moving again with a hip replacement.
For more information on hip replacement surgery contact Dr. Dan Albright at 919-863-6808.